Mooresville Town Manager David Treme will retire May 1.
He has been on medical leave since shortly after abruptly announcing his retirement on Feb. 18, following a two-hour closed session of Mooresville’s town board.
Treme originally said his retirement would be effective June 30, the last day of the current fiscal year. A few days after his announcement, however, he left the town-board planning retreat early and has been out on medical leave since.
Two days after his Feb. 18 announcement, Treme issued a letter to Mooresville Police Department employees, encouraging them to participate in the ongoing investigation into the department’s working environment. The investigation was launched, in part, due to a complaint from a high-ranking police official that MPD is a hostile work environment.
US ISS Agency in Huntersville is leading the investigation.
Responding to recent Scoop questions, Public Information Officer Kim Sellers said the town doesn’t have a projected cost or completion date for the probe. “We have not paid any invoices on the current investigation,” she added.
Treme was under contract with the town through August 2020. His salary is $185,400. He will not collect a severance package.