Four years ago today
On May 4, 2019, time stood still in Mooresville. “Officer down.” That was the call. Phone calls and text messages quickly started revealing the
On May 4, 2019, time stood still in Mooresville. “Officer down.” That was the call. Phone calls and text messages quickly started revealing the
Special to the Scoop By: LISA E. CARVER Dead Stroke. In the pool world, Dead Stroke equals a performance and execution so flawless —
It’s easy to have a fairytale understanding of how government works. We’d like to think that we live in a community of articulate, involved citizens and honest government officials who can have robust debate but ultimately make decisions that are in the best interest of the people.
If Mooresville was ever the place for people to break and enter others’ property, it isn’t anymore. The Mooresville Police Department sent that message
From an impromptu candlelight vigil to local businesses offering services for law enforcement officers, the Mooresville community has rallied behind police in the wake
Public officials in Statesville are “putting band-aids on surgical wounds” after a nine-year-old girl was gunned-down and killed while playing on a neighborhood sidewalk earlier this week.
“The city can revitalize downtown, but in South Statesville, they do everything half-ass; they don’t want to deal with the underlying garbage,” said Danette Glover, a lifelong resident of the neighborhood where three children were struck by bullets in two separate – but likely related – drive-by shootings on Monday.
Three months ago, the town’s long-anticipated East-West Connector project was dead in the water.
Not anymore, thanks to two substantial state grants recently awarded to the town.
As Iredell County braces for an expected surge in Covid-19 diagnoses, many local residents and businesses are rolling up their sleeves, showing what community is all about.
Across the nation and in Iredell, first responders and healthcare providers face a severe shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE), including face masks (especially N-95s), protective eyewear (such as safety goggles), plastic face shields and gloves.